Sunday 1 February 2015

Magazine C.R.A.P. Analysis

This is the C.R.A.P. analysis of two magazine covers: Classical Music and NME.
1. The model's white shirt contrasts with the plain black background
2. The font size of the masthead 'Classical' contrasts with the headline 'Vocal Futures'
3. The typeface of 'Vocal Futures' (Serif) contrasts with the cover lines (San serif)
1. The masthead, headline and cover lines uses the same font colour- white
2. The cover lines uses the same font colour (White), same typeface (Serif) and uses the same font size
3. The headline and cover lines uses the same typeface (Serif)
1. The masthead 'Classical'
2. The headline
3. Both masthead and headline
4. The cover lines 
1. The masthead 'Classical'
2. The headline 'Vocal Futures'
3. The cover lines at the bottom

1. The cover line (Black font with white box behind it) contrasts with another cover line (White font with black box behind it)
2. The model's grey/silver hair contrasts with her red outfit 
3. The model's burgundy red lip and dark hair roots contrasts with the pink background 
4. The large image of the model contrasts with the smaller image of the artists/ band
5. The white masthead 'NME' contrasts with the red box behind it
6. The bigger font size of the headline 'ST VINCENT' contrasts with the smaller font of the cover lines
7. The red line underneath the headline 'ST VINCENT' contrasts with the blue line underneath the cover line 'AZEALIA BANKS'


1. The red box behind the masthead 'NME' and the model's red outfit
2. The cover lines with black font and white box at the back
3. The cover lines with white font and black box at the back
4. The use of small images of artists
5. The typeface of the headline and the text underneath it (San serif)

1. The masthead 'NME' and other cover lines
2. The cover line above the model and the headline 'ST VINCENT'
3. The masthead 'NME' and the cover line right next to it 'MANIC STREET PREACHERS'

1. The masthead 'NME' and the cover line 'MANIC STREET PREACHERS'
2. The cover lines 
3. The headline 'ST VINCENT' and the text below

The reason why I chose these two magazine covers, is because both magazines are in the same genre but yet their target audience are significantly different.
The target readers of 'Classical Music' are people in their middle-age, or even elderly. The overall look of the 'Classical Music' magazine cover is neat and tidy because all the texts were organised to put in appropriate places by using the grid, also it creates proximity which the readers know where they should read first. There weren't much contrasting going on as it only uses black and white colour and the overall layout is plain. There weren't many content within the cover which there are plenty of white space left, in order to enhance the classiness and elegance of this magazine, this could mean that this magazine also target readers from upper class too.

However for 'NME' their target readers are mostly teenagers and young adults (20+). Through the magazine cover of NME, there are many content compare to the 'Classical Music' as there are more cover lines and images on it, so there is not much white space left. There were a lot of contrasting going on, such as contrast between the cover lines and the use of colours, which this makes the cover look entertaining and energetic, and this helps to attract younger audiences. The cover lines weren't exactly aligned but it doesn't look messy overall, that it still remain the proximity.